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Hearing Screening has many advantages and is an excellent way to monitor and keep track of everything related to anyone's hearing and hearing. Do you need a Hearing Screening? What is the best age to have a Hearing Screening? 

What is an impedance impedance meter?

Impedance impedance testing is an audiological test that evaluates the function of the peripheral auditory system, i.e. the middle ear. The middle ear is a crucial part of the auditory process as it helps transmit and amplify sound from the outer ear to the inner ear.

During an impedance test, instruments called impedance meters are used to measure the acoustic impedance of the middle ear. Acoustic impedance refers to the resistance of the middle ear to the passage of sound. This test provides valuable information about the integrity of the middle ear structures and their function.

During impedance impedance testing, the patient usually sits in a chair and a small plug or probe is inserted into the external ear canal. This probe is connected to the impedance meter and emits tones or changes in air pressure. As these measurements are taken, the audiologist observes the responses on a graph called a tympanogram.

The tympanogram shows the variation of air pressure in the ear canal and how it affects the movement of the tympanic membrane. From this information, the audiologist can determine if there is a disturbance in the middle ear system, such as an obstruction of the ear canal, dysfunction of the middle ear ossicles (hammer, anvil and stirrup) or dysfunction of the Eustachian tube.

In addition, impedance impedance testing is also used to evaluate acoustic reflexes, which are involuntary contractions of the middle ear muscles in response to loud sounds. These reflexes can help determine the threshold of hearing, identify auditory nerve damage and assess the function of the auditory pathway.

In summary, impedance audiometry is a noninvasive audiological test that evaluates middle ear function and provides important information about the integrity and performance of the middle ear. It is an essential tool for the diagnosis and management of hearing disorders.

Advantage of impedance impedance measurement?

The advantages of having a patient undergo impedanciometry include:

1. Comprehensive evaluation of the middle ear: Impedance impedance testing provides a detailed evaluation of the structures and function of the middle ear. It can identify problems such as ear canal obstructions, middle ear ossicles dysfunctions or Eustachian tube disorders, which helps to establish an accurate diagnosis.

2. Early detection of hearing conditions: Impedance testing can detect early signs of various hearing conditions, such as otitis media (middle ear infection), otosclerosis (abnormal thickening of the middle ear bone) or Eustachian tube dysfunction. This allows for rapid intervention and appropriate treatment before hearing problems become more serious.

3. Evaluation of acoustic reflexes: Impedance impedance testing also allows the evaluation of acoustic reflexes, which are involuntary contractions of the middle ear muscles in response to loud sounds. These reflexes may indicate the presence of auditory nerve damage or provide information about the function of the auditory pathway.

4. Complement to other audiological tests: Impedance impedance audiometry is used in combination with other audiological tests, such as. audiometryto obtain a complete assessment of hearing. It provides additional information that helps hearing health professionals better understand the patient's hearing condition and determine the most appropriate treatment.

5. Non-invasive and comfortable: Impedance impedance testing is a non-invasive test and generally comfortable for the patient. It is painless, quick and easy to perform. The patient only needs to sit down and follow the audiologist's instructions.

In summary, the advantages of impedance impedance testing include a comprehensive evaluation of the middle ear, early detection of hearing disorders, evaluation of acoustic reflexes, complement to other audiological tests, and a non-invasive and comfortable procedure for the patient. These advantages help improve the diagnosis and management of hearing disorders.

Disadvantages of impedance impedance testing?

While impedance impedance testing is a very useful audiological test, it also has certain drawbacks that are worth mentioning:

1. Limitations in hearing assessment: Although impedance impedance audiometry provides valuable information about the middle ear, it is not a test that directly assesses hearing per se. To assess hearing, impedance audiometry needs to be combined with tests such as tone audiometry or speech audiometry.

2. Cannot identify the underlying cause of middle ear disorders: While impedance testing can indicate the presence of a middle ear problem, it cannot identify the exact cause of the disorder. To obtain a more accurate diagnosis, additional tests, such as imaging studies or more detailed clinical evaluations, are often necessary.

3. Potential false positives or false negatives: As with any medical test, impedance testing can generate false positive results (indicating the presence of a problem that does not actually exist) or false negatives (failing to detect a problem that is present). Therefore, it is important for the audiologist to interpret the test results in the overall clinical context and, if necessary, perform additional tests to confirm or rule out a diagnosis.

4. Requires patient cooperation and understanding: Impedance impedance testing involves the patient following instructions and being willing to cooperate during the test. This can be a challenge in young patients, patients with attention difficulties or those who have difficulty understanding instructions.

Despite these drawbacks, impedance impedance testing remains a valuable tool in the evaluation of middle ear function and in the diagnosis of hearing disorders. It is important that the test results be interpreted in conjunction with other clinical findings and complementary tests to obtain a complete picture of the patient's hearing health.

impedance impedance test


The center in La Cala de Mijas is equipped with the latest technologies and innovations in the sector, with two soundproof booths and an innovative 360 room for diagnostic tests,unique in Malaga and the only one in Andalusia. Thanks to its state-of-the-art equipment, patients can test their hearing from any angle and simulating different situations, such as conversational or noisy spaces.

They have also incorporated an Otoscan hearing scanner, which helps to provide hearing aids to all people suffering from hearing loss. With a maximum level of fitting thanks to the depth and accuracy of the tympanic impressions, reducing the number of adjustments needed due to a bad impression. 

In addition, because the image of the ear canal is placed in a virtual space, people can have their hearing aids in record time.At the first signs of hearing loss, it is vital to go to specialists such as Sontec Hearing CentersThey assess and treat each case individually and seek the best solutions.

From Sontec Hearing Centerswe want to help you in the work of awareness of hearing care and its relationship with health in general, therefore, we have generated this article. As part of our work methodology, our centers offer a free in-depth hearing evaluation, from which we recommend the best solution to the problem according to the needs of each individual.

To this end, we have highly qualified audiologists and audiology professionals, registered in Spain and the United Kingdom, who take care of all the hearing health needs of their clients.

We also work together with the Junta de Andalucía and the Andalusian Health Service, as well as with several organizations based in the United Kingdom.

For more information, please contact any of our hearing centers:

Sontec La Cala de Mijas 

Plaza del Bulevar, 26 B, 29649 Mijas | +34 952-467-675

Sontec Fuengirola

Calle Hermanos Pinzón 4, Edificio Florida II, Local 9ºA, 29640 Fuengirola | +34 952 667 402

info@sontec.es | https://sontec.es

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